使用 Magento 标准方式编写 Mysql fetchCol()查询而不使用模型文件,以获取所有 SQL 结果行的第一列作为数组。
返回类型: fetchCol() 总是以数组的形式返回。
* @param string|\Magento\Framework\DB\Select $sql An SQL SELECT statement.
* @param mixed $bind Data to bind into SELECT placeholders.
* @return array
public function fetchCol($sql, $bind = []);
Let’s write a query from the sales_order table to accomplish fetchCol() query operation.
namespace Path\To\Class;
use Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection;
class FetchCol {
const ORDER_TABLE = 'sales_order';
* @var ResourceConnection
private $resourceConnection;
public function __construct(
ResourceConnection $resourceConnection
) {
$this->resourceConnection = $resourceConnection;
* insert Sql Query
* @return string[]
public function fetchColQuery()
$connection = $this->resourceConnection->getConnection();
$tableName = $connection->getTableName(self::ORDER_TABLE);
$query = $connection->select()
->where('status = ?', 'pending');
$fetchData = $connection->fetchCol($query);
return $fetchData;
An Array result with value is entity_id of sales_order table.
[1] => 15
[2] => 17
[3] => 19
15, 17 and 19 is the entity_id with pending status.